As devices become smaller the principles of quantum mechanics become more and more imperative. Many new theoretical ideas have come into view and fundamental quantum physics researches have progressed in leaps and bounds over the last few years.
Consequently, features of genuine Quantum Information Processing could soon begin to be feasible commercially. Quantum Information Processing (QIP) is a major area for research materials such as Gallium Nitride (GaN) or diamond-like-Carbon which can be potentially renovated into efficient devices.
Quantum computing which was suggested in 1970s completely relies on quantum physics, which permits the atoms and nuclei to work together as quantum bits or qubits and to be the computers processor and memory. Qubits can execute calculations exponentially faster than conventional computers. One important aspect of the communication sector is the security of information exchange. As the life is going to be networked in all sectors it is crucial to give more emphasis on the confidentiality of the official as well as personal mails. Quantum computing provides us unlimited processing power and secure communications. Those days have come to reality, when we can decode the encrypted conversations by terrorists or others. The compactness and the rapidness were the main achievements that the new developments in this era have brought out. The miniaturization as well as fast and rapid satellite communications, wireless LAN systems, cellular phones etc. are possible only because of the smart nano materials.
Now the science and technology has developed to such an extent that a group of scientists were able to flip the electron and they noticed a current change associated with it. They have tried to flip a single electron upside down in an ordinary commercial transistor chip. That was the beginning of the quantum computers where a single electron spin represents a quantum bit, the fundamental building block of a quantum computer. It was amazing that the conventional silicon technology was sufficient and powerful enough to accommodate the future electronic requirements like quantum computing, which will depend on spin. Another recent approach of Jiang and Xiao was that to shine microwave radio frequency to flip the spin of electron. The experiments last but a fraction of second, but required years of work to reach this point.
With 100 transistors, each containing one of these electrons, we could have the implicit information storage that corresponds to all of the hard disks made in the world this year, multiplied by the number of years the universe has been around. As we have discussed quantum computation makes use of atoms as a basis for computation. Unlike classical logical devices, which only exist in two states (0 or 1), atoms can have three states (0 or 1 or 01 where the latter is a superposition of the first two states). Recently developed DNA computing provides an example of long term information storage. It is very compact and replicable; however it is not very fast. So its use as a model for information processing seems to be limited. Even in biological systems short term information storage is an energy consuming process. One example is the brain activity. This information storage timescales are very low when compared with microelectronics. Quantum structure electronic devices (QSDs) can confine electrons into regions of less than 20 nm, enhancing their performance.
A principal aim of nanotechnology is to produce threedimensionally confined quantum structure electronic devices such as quantum wire and quantum dot devices. Some successful devices in this direction are quantum well lasers for telecommunications; High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs) for low noise, high gain microwave applications; and Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VCSELs), for data communications, sensors, encoding and so on. Other application gadgets based on quantum dots, are on the verge of commercialisation.