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When you look at history, you come across inspiring names. You come across people that have changed the world with their speeches, actions and inventions. You come across people you want to be like but you envy at the same time. People all over the world like knowing who is responsible for what in a specific area. Technology is not left out. People like knowing who is behind the computer, who is behind the vehicle, who is behind the cure for small pox and so on. Technology has improved so much that we can now manipulate atoms and molecules the way we want. We can manipulate the universe. This form of technology is nanotechnology. I know what you are going to ask. Who invented nanotechnology?

When you stroll through history, you will realize that there is no single name behind this kind of technology. In short, there is no single name that we can point out as the inventor of nanotechnology. However, the word itself was coined by Norio Taniguchi in 1974. He was a professor. The idea on the other hand, was first thought of by Richard Feynman in the year 1959. He first talked of the idea while giving a lecture at the American Physical Meeting Society. He discussed a process through which molecules and atoms could be controlled using instruments that were specially designed. Obviously at this time the word nanotechnology had not yet emerged. However, his lecture was an accurate description of the science.

Interesting facts about nanotechnology came about with Taniguchi’s work. He further described the procedure as the consolidation or separation of atoms or molecules in his 1974 paper. The man who completely popularized nanotechnology was Dr. K Eric Drexler in his book “Engines of Creation” which came out in 1986. It was the first book in history to give a detailed concept on the subject.

The creation of the scanning tunneling microscope and the discovery of fullerenes further propelled nanotechnology’s popularity in the mid 80s. Its evolution was catapulted by the emergence of semiconductor nanocrystals which consequentially led to an increase of metal oxide nanoparticles. Quantum dots also grew from this. These quantum dots help a lot when it comes to applying nanotechnology in medicine.

By 1988, courses on the subject were being offered in universities. Since knowledge was being distributed, the atomic force microscope came into existence in 1991 and further down the same decade, there was increased use and manipulation of carbon nanotubes. Of course when you talk about a new phenomenon, there has to be benefits and risks. One of its major benefits is that it can create pure and clean water. It can also help in producing cheap energy and efficient drugs and medicines. The major risk is that people still do not know how much it can affect the environment and human health.

Every time you ask who invented nanotechnology, remember Richard Feynman, Professor Taniguchi and the inventors of the scanning tunneling microscope and fullerenes. These are the names that you should envy. These are the names that you should forever store in your memory.

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