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Nanotechnology is different than conventional technology that we see. Conventional technology does not use application of various procedures and properties which require a huge research. Nanotechnology is something different, something that can be invented and refined over a period of time. It also means it is something that differentiates the world within us and shows a new way of life. Application of nanotechnology is done in so many ways for better living. There are manipulating matter of different kinds on an atomic scale is known as nanotechnology. It is also called as nanotech which is the short form. Apart from procedures and properties it mainly deals between structural sizes of 1 to 100 nanometers. So small that it is impossible for the human eye to view such objects. Works on nanotech is mainly done with the use of microscope and special lenses. These lenses are designed to deliver high end performance. They can scan objects which cannot be seen by the human eye.

Use of nanotech can be done to create new applications in the field of medicine, energy production, electronics and biomaterials. This is the bright side of the coin when it comes to nanotech. New inventions will give the human various options in leading a good and healthy life. Yes, we have sort of progressed in the field of extreme science, new elements are discovered which provide an alternate route for high end living. Then there is the other side of the coin which says that nanotech can end the human life. Various applications like nuclear warfare, weapons and other harmful substances make use of nanotech. Environment impact on nanotechnology is huge and has very bad effects. It has the capacity to destroy the heaven in which we are living at the moment. Toxicity present is very high which is not at all suitable for the environment.

Nanotechnology can therefore be defined in lay mans language as a technology that can characterize the future according to its uses. Human is always in the pursuit of creativity, he is never satisfied neither happy with what he has. To accomplish his needs, soon nanotechnology will be put to use. In that use the quality depends and its meaning, it nanotech is in wrong hands then the sufferer will be the human and no one else. But yes, a tremendous growth can be welcomed if its in right hands. Every country will be soon developed and poverty will be erased.

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