In the recent past, nanotechnology has brought about some drastic yet innovative changes in almost every sector across the world. It all started when the world discovered nano-science, an arena that deals with the concept of building various objects using just single atoms or molecules. The implementation of nano-science is giving path breaking results in multi-disciplinary fields.
It was in the 1980s that Eric Drexler introduced this term to the world. He stressed on the fact that machines could be built on the scale of molecules (that are just a few nanometers in width and length). While this concept was met with cynicism earlier, it gradually became accepted as a feasible branch of science. In the United States, a National Nanotechnology Initiative was set up especially to fund ongoing research and innovation in this arena. According to the Initiative, nanotechnology is defined as anything smaller than 100 nanometers with novel properties.
This technology comprises physics, material science and many other science disciplines. Interestingly, this technology has also been used extensively in the medical field in the recent past. In fabrication as well, this technology has found a use it can be used for deep ultraviolet lithography, electron beam lithography, atomic and molecular layer disposition. This technology deals with structures that are sized between 1 to 100 nanometers (at least in one direction). It has the ability to construct items starting from the bottom and moving upward to create high-performance products. For instance, in the field of medicine, researchers have found that nanoparticles which are the size of molecules can be directly delivered to the affected cells in the body.
Even in the case of electronics, this technology can be used to make ultra light weight as well as doubly durable manufacturing materials. In aerospace, this could reduce the amount of fuel required for spaceships and aircrafts. Food technology is also undergoing a sea change because of the advent of Nanotechnology . Nanomaterials can replace conventional food. These can be consumed in small quantities but will release high of energy once absorbed by our body.
Owing to the versatility of this kind of technology, it is being used as a protective coating for different kinds of materials ranging from glass to metals to plastics among many others. These very attributes make this technology best suited for other activities such as cleaning operations for shower enclosures
These enclosures need to be cleaned well because hard water deposits on them tend to look very unaesthetic. Scrubbing might lead to scratches and marks which cannot be undone. Hence, coated glass enclosures require relatively less maintenance because just a splash of water will clean the surface.
This is what has made this technology so popular across different industries. A simple search on the internet will introduce you to the many innovative uses of nanotechnology.
It was in the 1980s that Eric Drexler introduced this term to the world. He stressed on the fact that machines could be built on the scale of molecules (that are just a few nanometers in width and length). While this concept was met with cynicism earlier, it gradually became accepted as a feasible branch of science. In the United States, a National Nanotechnology Initiative was set up especially to fund ongoing research and innovation in this arena. According to the Initiative, nanotechnology is defined as anything smaller than 100 nanometers with novel properties.
This technology comprises physics, material science and many other science disciplines. Interestingly, this technology has also been used extensively in the medical field in the recent past. In fabrication as well, this technology has found a use it can be used for deep ultraviolet lithography, electron beam lithography, atomic and molecular layer disposition. This technology deals with structures that are sized between 1 to 100 nanometers (at least in one direction). It has the ability to construct items starting from the bottom and moving upward to create high-performance products. For instance, in the field of medicine, researchers have found that nanoparticles which are the size of molecules can be directly delivered to the affected cells in the body.
Even in the case of electronics, this technology can be used to make ultra light weight as well as doubly durable manufacturing materials. In aerospace, this could reduce the amount of fuel required for spaceships and aircrafts. Food technology is also undergoing a sea change because of the advent of Nanotechnology . Nanomaterials can replace conventional food. These can be consumed in small quantities but will release high of energy once absorbed by our body.
Owing to the versatility of this kind of technology, it is being used as a protective coating for different kinds of materials ranging from glass to metals to plastics among many others. These very attributes make this technology best suited for other activities such as cleaning operations for shower enclosures
These enclosures need to be cleaned well because hard water deposits on them tend to look very unaesthetic. Scrubbing might lead to scratches and marks which cannot be undone. Hence, coated glass enclosures require relatively less maintenance because just a splash of water will clean the surface.
This is what has made this technology so popular across different industries. A simple search on the internet will introduce you to the many innovative uses of nanotechnology.