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micro electonics
Nanotechnology is the technology of the future it will provide new ways of manufacturing products so that products will be smaller but more powerful. According to NNS, “Nanotechnology deals with objects smaller than 100 nanometers, a nanometer being 1 billionth of a meter. For perspective, consider that the average human hair is 100,000 nanometers wide. The aim of nanotech scientists is no less than to manipulate matter, atom by atom, into new materials, drugs, devices, even life forms”(NNS, 2004). This explanation of nanotechnology explains exactly how small objects can be made. In the future, this advancing technology will change the size of manufactured components so that objects will be smaller and more manageable.
However, the website ‘Nanotechnology Now’ was created to provide the latest information regarding nanotechnology.  They gave their own explanation on how nanotechnology can be used to construct smaller products. According to Nanotechnology NOW, “Nanotechnology is actually a multitude of rapidly emerging technologies, based upon the scaling down of existing technologies to the next level of precision and miniaturization” (Nanotechnology Now, 1999-2004). With this advancing technology it will be possible to reconstruct exiting products into smaller more manageable objects.
For example, with the use nanotechnology it could be possible to transform desktop computers into computers that are the size of a watch but with more operating capacity and they will also last longer than current computers. According to ‘Nanotechnology Now’, “Computers with the capabilities of current workstations will be the size of a grain of sand and will be able to operate for decades with the equivalent of a single wristwatch battery” (Nanotechnology Now, 1999-2004). This technology advancement will make computers more abundant, cheaper to manufacture, faster, and smaller.
With nanotechnology cell phones are now of being uses as a telephone, television, and video camera that is small enough to carry in your pocket.  The Center for Responsible Nanotechnology supports this theory they state, “Nanotechnology will offer the ability to construct a wide range of large objects inexpensively and with atomic precision. It will go beyond materials and devices to complex systems of molecular machines, inspired by—but in some ways superior to—those found in nature”(Canter for Responsible Nanotechnology, 2002-2004). This technology will change the way all products are manufactured and used. Since they will be smaller, they will be cheaper and required less resources and labor. In addition, nanotechnology will also make products less expensive and more abundant and this will benefit society.
With the development of nanotechnology it will be possible to create new and better products that will take up less space and operate on a level that will exceed any current existing product. Nanotechnology will change the capabilities of biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, computer science and mathematics. For example, Cloning is a result of the advancement of nanotechnology. However, since products will be made much smaller, there are many concern regarding nanotechnology such as, miniature bomb that will be undetected and able to do more damage that current bombs. Despite these concerns, nanotechnology will change the way people interact in the world. For example, cellular phone could be made into the size of a dime so that people will be able to attach these phones to their collars.
Another future event that could take place regarding nanotechnology is that it could soon be possible to create a car engine that is smaller than the tip of your finger but is able to last 10 times longer that current car engines, and it will cost less to produce making car less expensive. Nanotechnology is the technology of the future and will change the way products are made so that they are smaller are more manageable to handle. Nanotechnology will be a huge advancement in society because this technology will reduce the resource and time needed to create certain products. As a result, people will be able to benefit from this technology because products will be cheaper.
micro electonics
micro electonics
micro electonics

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