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Aerogel is the most light and efficient insulating material, a nanotechnology solution from Aerospace research employed in energy saving applications in buildings and construction sector. Nanotech insulating materials are employed in solar double-tube to insulate the connection between the solar panel and the hot water storage tank. Also Titanium Oxide nano particles on Pvc coating the cable are employed to enhance efficiency and durability, protecting it from UV rays, bad weather and insects, birds and rodent's attacks.

Aerogel is a nano material with high nano porosity structure that enhance efficiency in solar plants for warming of domestic water, thanks to its application in nanotech solar connection cables. Aerogel is available in insulating blankets, ideal for construction applications: thanks to its excellent insulating power, aerogel is employed in connection cables for solar nanotechnology applications, connecting the solar panel and the hot water storage tank minimizing thermal losses. Insulated with a 5 mm thick sheet of Aerogel, 4 times thinner than other traditional insulating materials, this application can save much room in installations and plants, achieving energy efficiency of solar plants.

Nanotech connection cable in solar panels have high efficiency thanks to the lowest conductivity rate of Aerogel, λ 0,014 W/(m*K), that makes it suitable for a wide range of applications, best designed for high temperature solar applications up to +200 °C. The extreme thickness of the Aerogel sheets allows to save room in building applications, but solar nanotech twin-pipe with aerogel insulating protection are also flexible and strong, and very easy to cut and install. Aerogel insulating material in solar cables insulation can be wrapped in nylon wire by the suppliers, enabling to cut it without fraying, using common construction site tools. The thinness of a nanotech solar cable allows to install it also in limited and tight spaces, saving room and just using screws or nails instead of fixing brackets.

With excellent insulating capability thanks to the Aerogel nano material, and long lasting efficiency, nanotechnology can be integrated also in the external coating of a solar cable, using Titanium Oxide nano particles enriched PVC. Titanium Oxide is a nano material with excellent photocatalyst properties, and protects the solar tube from external aggressions, UV rays and bad weather conditions, but also makes it resistant to attack of insects, rodents and birds, that cannot damage it. Mechanical properties of aerogel and the strength of nanotech coating turn the cable into a resistant to pressure and heat solution, and it can be easily installed in an underfloor chase, without losing its insulating properties. Nanotechnology application in solar and photovoltaic sector allows a reduction of business costs, with easier installing operations, longer life-length and, most of all, with increased insulating efficiency, using the lightest and most surprising material in insulation, Aerogel.

There are many other nanotechnology applications for the building and construction sector, and for the clean energy field, spacing from Aerogel blankets, double-tube insulated pipes for solar applications and nanotechnology insulating coatings, totally safe and environmental-friendly with superior thermal insulating power, achieving corrosion protection and high rust, mold and fungi resistance for walls and other materials, from wood to Pvc, plastic materials, fiberglass, steel and aluminium. These solutions achieve energy efficiency of buildings and homes, in commercial and residential sites. Also, a wide range of nano coating products is available for the treatment of materials, ranging from glass, ceramics, cement and tissues, making them easy to clean and more resistant to wear. And Nanotechnology applications are going straight forward to the wellness of people, with several products and nanotechnology solutions for sport, such as nano molecular treatments for cycles and cars and refrigerating solutions for athletes and runners.

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