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With continuous research and development, nanotechnology now has many applications in the field of chemical industry, artificial intelligence, computation, military, space exploration, medical sciences and literature also. In the field of energies, nanotechnology has played vital role in exploring new ways for producing energy and consuming it at very accurate and efficient rate. Fuels like carbon, gasoline, petroleum, solar energy, chemically reacted and combined fuel for aircrafts are now processed at atomic scale for providing power.

Solar energy and nanotechnology
Sun is one of the major source of energy and if light energy is properly utilized we can save heavy amount of electricity and money Nanotechnology has given the scientists a pathway to extract more and more from nature. Engineers and scientists are building the devices, which takes energy from sun and charged by sun light. Researchers are implementing different technical and research methods to organize the machine architecture, which uses solar batteries to function.

Molecular energy and nanotechnology

Nanotechnology gave birth to the newest concept which is known as molecular power .molecules are reassembled to modify and enhance the existing technologies and also to develop new components from it, when nano molecules or particles are rearranged then they become more powerful and perform better.


Nano fabrication on of the other felid which came into being with the advent of nanotechnology semi conduction chips are fabricated by using nano circuits which are then inserted into robots, computers automatic home appliances and many other products. With the help of nanofabrication huge amount of electric energy is saved , nanofabrication also enhance throughput.

Consumer products

Many consumer products are supported by nanotechnology. LEDs light emitting diodes were formed with the help of nanotechnology. Small but high voltage batteries are the result of nano decomposition. High frequency speaker and buffer system also contain nano chip inside. There are many examples of nanotechnology which has changed the living ways of consumers. Every next product in the super markets has nanotechnology involved in its manufacture. Few decades back we didn’t know about the energy savers every country was used to of using common light bulb but nanotechnology introduced light energy savers which emits white light and consumes less energy. Energy savers with nanocapacitors inside it are one of the examples of nanotechnology energy advancements.

Electricity generation and water dams

Water is on of the essential source for generating electricity. Dams and barrages are constructed for obtaining electricity with waterpower. Nanotech logy has highly facilitated the constructors and builders in building most powerful, reliable and large dams. Extremely sophisticated circuits are designed using nanotechnology as the formula of building. In addition, the material, which is used for building dams, are processed at nano scale. Electricity is now generated at high-speed in the countries like Japan and china.


In the world of electronic nanotechnology is used for chip manufacturing and for controlling flow of electrons .storage devices like Winchester hard disks, RAM (Random Access Memory) and portable and reprogrammable compact disk is the example of nanotechnology. These devices are engineered to store large amount of data by using very less memory and efficient rate, which on the other hand consumes less electricity charge to perform the assigned computational tasks. Large size of Ram at the same chip is also another excellent energy application of nanotechnology.

Forests and wooden industry
Trees are another major source of energy which is the most natural resource for making furniture, houses, wooden crafts etc .forests are the fastest and only source to produce natural oxygen. Researchers are finding out more efficient fertilizers for reducing pollution and to grow more and more trees .

DNA nanatehcnology is a feild of the study with brilliant properties to recoginize molecules of different kinds.Its a branch of sceinces which deals direclty with the atomic particles of any substance.They are used to design appropriate and desired structure which can be controlled at any given point.This is one of the useful technologies which has great applications in the field of biological sceinces and chemistry.Most of the times it is used for genetics recognition.

How Dna nanotechnology works?

DNA nanotechnology uses of DNA building blocks to develop new complex DNA structures with powerful characteristics. DNA is usually a straight and smooth molecule, whose total axis is unbranched. but DNA particles having junctions can also be created.For instance four armed strcuture junction can made further complementary moelcules. the basic purpose of this technology is to give a target structure and complex functional characteristics makes it different from other dominant technologies, it was designed ot determine the sequence of molecules and to discover their family.DNA nanotechnology detects the assembling sequence and then,collectively find out the junctions if any.after tracking the assembled sequence the kind of molecules rae comunicated to the other peripheral device,if attached. Different kind of approaches are used to design and manage the DNA sequences for obtaining the desired structure.

Design approaches of Dna nanotechnology

There are several approaches in which DNA strcutures can be designed some of them are listed below.
 Tile-based structural Approach
 Folding structural approach
 Kinetic assembling
 Sequence design

1)Tile based stuctures

In these type of strucral approach the DNA molecules are designed in tiled architecture.The most common example of this appraoch is DX molecule in which two dimentional arrays are drawn at top and bottom in sequence of four tiles.Tile based approach is one of the earliest approach which was used to design the DNA structures every shape represents a sticky end for the next moelcule.Discrete units can be constrcucted with this method.This design method has a capability to concepulaize and design even the largest assemblies assigned to it.This distinguishing feature makes DNA nanotechnology fully benificial in the self assembly and computational functioning.

2)Folding structural appraoch

Another but opposite approach to tile based appraoch is folding approach.Arbitrary sequences and two dimentaional complex molecular arrangements can be converted into desired shape with the help of folding structural approach.simpler strands participates in folding strcutures.

3)Kinetic assembling

Another useful approach to design the molecular structure regardless of the sequence and position is the kinectic assembly in which molecules are assembled with minimum thermodynamics sequence.DNA self assembly is one of the examples of this kind and is this method is widely used in therodynamic applications.

Sequence design

Another approach is sequnece design in which molecules are designed in a specific provided sequence to produce DNA design.Nuclear acids are the example of sequencial designing approach.

Applications of DNA Technology

DNA nanotechnology focuses the development of new molecular arrangments with enhanced characteristcics along with modified structures .They are used in many important work areas wherer this technology is facilitating the world.Kidney trackers, molecular match makers, mahicnes for managing the nuclear reactions all are the applications of DNA nanotechnology.Some of the mechanical devices are also present such as molecular tweezers, stimulus that is used in nano robotics, B DNA for responding the change in buffer conditions during the procedures.

Future preception

DNA nanotechnology is one of the important techonlogy which has great uses in the chemical , molecular sciences and security sectors.The most important advantage of DNA technology is in the curing of fatal diseases,which makes it ocusable by the reserchers and doctors.Leading countries in the technological areas are working hard for advancements and development in DNA science.

Nanomechanics is the branch of nanotechnology that directly deals with the mechanical, functional and elastic characteristics of the different kind of systems having nanometer material involved in them. Its one of the field that serves as the foundation of nanotechnology and nanoscience. It also handles the thermal and kinetic properties of the materials.

History and foundation of Nano - mechanics

Nanomechanics were found some year ago at the Cansas United States of America .Sceintists discovered that particles of any material if dealt collectively can pretain excellent mechanical properties and could be extremly elastic.The basic principles for the foundation were empirical and specific principles for tracking samll size implentataions. General mechanical principles includes the major rules and theories of momentum and proagation wich involves energy and momentum consevation principle. variational principles.

How nanomechanics works ?

Nanomechanics explore and directly deals with the mechanical properties and all the phenomenas for improving he power, speed and performance of nano machines are involved in nanomechanics .It has major applications in the areas of mechanics and electronics, it treats the elastic characteristics of material as the conduction point and handles the every inch of machine at nano scale. Many useful materials and element are developed with the help of nanomechanics such as carbon nanotubes, nanomotors, nanorods, nanowires, nano composite structures and nano diverse assemblers area the inventions of nano mechanics. Boron nitrate was the first element which was treated by nano mechanics to find out the mechanical and elastic properties at nano scale.

Applications of nanomechanics

Nanomechanics has wide range of applications. It has also developed its own work areas that involves nano materials, nanotribiology, friction,wears at nano scale electromagnetic systems and nano fluidics which deals with all the chemicals and acid to be used mechanically.Many kinds of chemical compounds, advanced mechanical motors, automated genreators , UPS and high power batteries ,horse power , acidic fuels, rust disinfectents .All of these useful things are developed by the nanomechanical engineers.

Advantage of nanomechanics

Nanomechanics is one of the technology study field that has offered mechanical properties of many materials to be utilized in the commercial and industrials sectors.

It has minimized the weight and size of the electronic motors and mechanical engines.
It has also provided a new vision to the field of nanotechnology and nanosciences.
It treats the nano particles at very sensitive scale without wasting the single particle.
Encouraged the development of modern machines and ultra mechanical devices.
Liquid engineering is one of the major inventions of nano mechanics in which chemical and acidic compounds along with oil particles acts as the fuel.
Discovered the techniques and methods to prevent rust from sticking the physical hardware.

Disadvantage of nanomechnics.
Nano mechanical systems cannot be manufactured at low scale budget.huge business cost is required for the plant handling along with the proper regulation.
Less market presence.Only fully developed countries can afford manufacturing plant.So very less number of nano mechanic manufacturing plants are available.
Machines and devices with nano mechanic characteristics are quite expensive, local people cannot afford them.
Excess processing with nano particles and chemical reactions are dangerous to the health. Beause of easy penitration . Poor regulaton of nano mechanic machinery plants can be fatal to the living beings.

Future preception

It can be predicted that nanomechanics would be a part of every day engineering every where in the world in near future.advance research in nanotechnology and nano sciences are exploring the new concepts of nano mecahnics.Its a wonderful technology with unique capabilities and broad vision as compared to ordinary mechanical engineering.It would be definitely highly beneficial for the world of electronics ,if it progresses at large scale.

Advances in Nanotechnology That Might Cure HIV
One of the frequent scourges that affect mankind is the problem related to the human immunodeficiency virus that is more popularly known as HIV. Affecting Sub-Saharan Africa, parts of Asia, and some parts of Europe, the HIV problem is of pressing need to man and governments because of its impact to health. This is why researches for the development of cures for HIV has been in feverish pitch since the disease was first discovered in the early 80s. However, despite all these, cures for HIV are something that is still elusive. That was the case until nanotechnology came along and gave mankind its first real hope of winning against this dreaded disease. Today, various products of nanotechnology that might cure HIV are seriously pursued in the hope that it will put an end to man’s worrying of the disease.

Approaches to the Treatment of HIV
Using nanotechnology that might cure HIV comes in various forms. Most of these are still in the laboratory testing stages and are not yet available for mass treatment. Nonetheless, feedbacks have been very encouraging to the point that experts regularly call their efforts already a success even with the absence of actual testing on HIV patients. The following are some of the most common approaches in using nanotechnology that might cure HIV:
Neutralization of the HIV virus. Because HIV virus has been so resilient and tough to crack, one of the keys to a successful treatment of HIV cases is to neutralize the very virus that causes it. In this, scientists have developed nano particles that attack the virus. Because nano particles are very small, they are not easily detected and neutralized by the virus. Instead, they are able to penetrate the mantle of the virus, thus rendering it harmless.
Another approach in nanotechnology that might cure HIV is the strengthening of a person’s immune system. This is made possible with the use of nano particles that are injected into a person’s body. Such particles boost the immune system and help the body to repair damaged tissues, which is something very common among HIV patients. On the other hand, because they are very minute particles, they easily mix in with the bloodstream and distributed in the body.
Combination therapy is one of the techniques using nanotechnology that might cure HIV. In this, the therapy of attacking the HIV virus is paired with the strategy of enhancing the immune system. Because of this, patients who would have died from an HIV infection now have a better chance to survive the virus instead. Moreover, the immune system is boosted and rejuvenated, which not only improves the chances of a person surviving HIV but also a chance for a better health.
Despite the very promising and rosy picture all these products of nanotechnology that might cure HIV brings, the reality is that these are all still in the planning board. Scientists themselves acknowledge that plenty of researches have to be done before these treatments will be available on a mass basis.

In essence Nano medicine is the application of Nanotechnology in Medicine, which can also be termed Medical Nanotechnology.
Nano Meidcine describes the highly specific treatment of disease at the molecular level.
Nanotechnology has many perspective applications in Medicine ranging from nano-silver paint for bacterial growth prevention to medical imaging and treatment of disease.
There are very exciting new techniques being developed to utilize nanotechnology to treat a multitude of diseases. Notably there is a large amount of research being conducted into techniques for targeted drug delivery.
Nano medicine is the next step in medical advancement allowing the treatment of disease at the cellular level. This would allow treatments to be as non-invasive as possible whilst at the same time only affecting diseased areas of the body.

Bright green/yellow showing cancer drug entering a cancerous cell from purdue.edu There are still many problems to be addressed in terms of disease treatment. Nano medicine provides a new avenue for developing ways of combating these stumbling blocks. For instance for many ailments surgery is an inevitability, but surgery can be very damaging to the body. Many patients may have complications after surgery or reductions in quality of life. With Nanotechnology it may be possible to treat disease in a non-invasive way. A prime example of this is the treatment of tumors with a reduction in side-effects, through the development of targeted drug delivery systems negating the need for the poison, slash and burn techniques currently used in medicine for their treatment.
Nano Medicine is a hugely interdisciplinary field with the need for collaboration between many disciplines in science to aid the implementation of novel Nanotechnologies in medicine.

Alzheimer’s Disease Detection With Golden Nanoparticles
A novel development from researchers at Jackson State University utilizes gold nanoparticles to detect a biomarker implicated in Alzheimer’s disease to a 100 fold sensitivity level to anything else that has been developed so far. This could pave the way for incredibly early detection of the neurodegenerative disease Alzheimer’s.
The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in patients with Alzheimer’s disease has abnormally high levels of a highly phosphorylated protein known as tau. Tau is a protein which is involved with microtubule stability.
The role that tau plays in Alzheimer’s is not fully understood but what is known is that is always found highly phosphorylated in brain tissue of Alzheimer’s sufferers. It is hypothesized that it will form aggregates with other tau molecules and possibly cause inflammation in the brain leading to the associated memory loss found in Alzheimer’s disease.
The technique is based on a monclonal antibody (anti-tau), which is conjugated with gold nanoparticles. The monoclonal antibody-nanoparticle complex will aggregate in the presence of the phosphorylated tau. It can then be readily detected by a color change unearthed by detection through two-photo light scattering.
This technique allows far more rapid, reliable and early detection of Alzheimer’s. As it affects currently an estimated 26.6 million people this could be an amazing breakthrough for Alzheimer’s treatment. It will become even more important as the incidence of Alzheimer’s will increase over the next forty years.
This technique coupled with the new genes identified for Alzheimer’s disease could form a potent partnership for new treatments of Alzheimer’s disease which so far have very little to offer.

MIT scientists at MIT have discovered a previously unknown phenomenon that can cause powerful waves of energy to shoot through minuscule wires known as carbon nanotubes. The discovery could lead to a new way of producing electricity.

The phenomenon, described as thermopower waves, “opens up a new area of energy research, which is rare,” says Michael Strano, MIT’s Charles and Hilda Roddey Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, who was the senior author of a paper describing the new findings that appeared in Nature Materials on March 7, 2011. The lead author was Wonjoon Choi, a doctoral student in mechanical engineering.

Carbon nanotubes (as illustrated) are submicroscopic hollow tubes made of a lattice of carbon atoms. These tubes, just a few billionths of a meter (nanometers) in diameter, are part of a family of novel carbon molecules, including buckyballs and graphene sheets.

In the new experiments conducted by Michael Strano and his team, nanotubes were coated with a layer of a reactive fuel that can produce heat by decomposing. This fuel was then ignited at one end of the nanotube using either a laser beam or a high-voltage spark, and the result was a fast-moving thermal wave traveling along the length of the carbon nanotube like a flame speeding along the length of a lit fuse. Heat from the fuel goes into the nanotube, where it travels thousands of times faster than in the fuel itself. As the heat feeds back to the fuel coating, a thermal wave is created that is guided along the nanotube. With a temperature of 3,000 kelvins, this ring of heat speeds along the tube 10,000 times faster than the normal spread of this chemical reaction. The heating produced by that combustion, it turns out, also pushes electrons along the tube, creating a substantial electrical current.

Catherine Hockmuth of UC San Diego reports that, a new biomaterial designed for repairing damaged human tissue doesn't wrinkle up when it is stretched. The invention from nanoengineers at the University of California, San Diego marks a significant breakthrough in tissue engineering because it more closely mimics the properties of native human tissue.

Shaochen Chen, professor in the Department of NanoEngineering at the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering, hopes future tissue patches, which are used to repair damaged heart walls, blood vessels and skin, for example, will be more compatible with native human tissue than the patches available today.

This biofabrication technique uses light, precisely controlled mirrors and a computer projection system -- shined on a solution of new cells and polymers -- to build three-dimensional scaffolds with well-defined patterns of any shape for tissue engineering.

Shape turned out to be essential to the new material's mechanical property. While most engineered tissue is layered in scaffolds that take the shape of circular or square holes, Chen's team created two new shapes called "reentrant honeycomb" and "cut missing rib." Both shapes exhibit the property of negative Poisson's ratio (i.e. not wrinkling when stretched) and maintain this property whether the tissue patch has one or multiple layers.

Nano Technology
Nanotechnology may be able to create many new materials and devices with several applications in energy production, medicine, organic materials and electronics.

Recently there has been many applications using nanotechnology also known as nanotech.

Carbon nanotubes, graphene and their compounds presents electrical properties for organic materials, and electronic applications such as photovoltaics, sensors, semiconductor devices, displays, conductors, smart textiles and energy conversion devices (e.g., fuel cells, harvesters and batteries).

Applications of Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene for electronics applications

Depending on their chemical structure, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) can be used as an alternative to organic or inorganic semiconductors as well as conductors. In addition to their high conductance, they can be transparent, flexible and even stretchable. Here, applications are for displays, replacing ITO; touch screens, photovoltaics and display bus bars and beyond. CNTs will be able to provide high performing devices which can ultimately be made in low cost manufacturing processes such as printing, over large areas. They have application to supercapacitors, which bridge the gap between batteries and capacitors, leveraging the energy density of batteries with the power density of capacitors and transistors.

Graphene, a cheap organic material, is to be used in some applications as a significantly cheaper printed conductor compared to silver ink. Graphene and its compounds are increasingly used to make transistors that show extremely good performance.

Nanofibers that could be used to manufacture clothing and textiles.

With their latest invention engineers will be able to make clothing that could power different portable devices. It is worth mentioning that thanks to nano-sized generators with piezoelectric properties the nanofibers have the ability to transform energy from mechanical stresses, stretches and twists into power. Thus, if used in clothing, the nanofibers could make use of body movements to power gadgets.

Nano-nose to help identify illnesses
Nanoparticles are used by U.S. researchers to ‘smell’ the scent of illnesses in fluids of the body. The researchers used nanoparticles of gold with different coatings to distinguish among different proteins and detect the illness, as reported by the New Scientist.

The ‘nano nose’ uses a system of six receptors, each one consisting of a solution with gold nano particles not larger than 2 nanometers, each one having a different coating too. Nitrogen atoms form the organic molecules which make up the coating of the nanoparticles.

A “nano-needle” with a tip about one-thousandth the size of a human hair, pokes a living cell causing it to quiver briefly. Once it is withdrawn from the cell, this ORNL nanosensor detects signs of early DNA damage that can lead to cancer.

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