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Nanomechanics is the branch of nanotechnology that directly deals with the mechanical, functional and elastic characteristics of the different kind of systems having nanometer material involved in them. Its one of the field that serves as the foundation of nanotechnology and nanoscience. It also handles the thermal and kinetic properties of the materials.

History and foundation of Nano - mechanics

Nanomechanics were found some year ago at the Cansas United States of America .Sceintists discovered that particles of any material if dealt collectively can pretain excellent mechanical properties and could be extremly elastic.The basic principles for the foundation were empirical and specific principles for tracking samll size implentataions. General mechanical principles includes the major rules and theories of momentum and proagation wich involves energy and momentum consevation principle. variational principles.

How nanomechanics works ?

Nanomechanics explore and directly deals with the mechanical properties and all the phenomenas for improving he power, speed and performance of nano machines are involved in nanomechanics .It has major applications in the areas of mechanics and electronics, it treats the elastic characteristics of material as the conduction point and handles the every inch of machine at nano scale. Many useful materials and element are developed with the help of nanomechanics such as carbon nanotubes, nanomotors, nanorods, nanowires, nano composite structures and nano diverse assemblers area the inventions of nano mechanics. Boron nitrate was the first element which was treated by nano mechanics to find out the mechanical and elastic properties at nano scale.

Applications of nanomechanics

Nanomechanics has wide range of applications. It has also developed its own work areas that involves nano materials, nanotribiology, friction,wears at nano scale electromagnetic systems and nano fluidics which deals with all the chemicals and acid to be used mechanically.Many kinds of chemical compounds, advanced mechanical motors, automated genreators , UPS and high power batteries ,horse power , acidic fuels, rust disinfectents .All of these useful things are developed by the nanomechanical engineers.

Advantage of nanomechanics

Nanomechanics is one of the technology study field that has offered mechanical properties of many materials to be utilized in the commercial and industrials sectors.

It has minimized the weight and size of the electronic motors and mechanical engines.
It has also provided a new vision to the field of nanotechnology and nanosciences.
It treats the nano particles at very sensitive scale without wasting the single particle.
Encouraged the development of modern machines and ultra mechanical devices.
Liquid engineering is one of the major inventions of nano mechanics in which chemical and acidic compounds along with oil particles acts as the fuel.
Discovered the techniques and methods to prevent rust from sticking the physical hardware.

Disadvantage of nanomechnics.
Nano mechanical systems cannot be manufactured at low scale budget.huge business cost is required for the plant handling along with the proper regulation.
Less market presence.Only fully developed countries can afford manufacturing plant.So very less number of nano mechanic manufacturing plants are available.
Machines and devices with nano mechanic characteristics are quite expensive, local people cannot afford them.
Excess processing with nano particles and chemical reactions are dangerous to the health. Beause of easy penitration . Poor regulaton of nano mechanic machinery plants can be fatal to the living beings.

Future preception

It can be predicted that nanomechanics would be a part of every day engineering every where in the world in near future.advance research in nanotechnology and nano sciences are exploring the new concepts of nano mecahnics.Its a wonderful technology with unique capabilities and broad vision as compared to ordinary mechanical engineering.It would be definitely highly beneficial for the world of electronics ,if it progresses at large scale.

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