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DNA nanatehcnology is a feild of the study with brilliant properties to recoginize molecules of different kinds.Its a branch of sceinces which deals direclty with the atomic particles of any substance.They are used to design appropriate and desired structure which can be controlled at any given point.This is one of the useful technologies which has great applications in the field of biological sceinces and chemistry.Most of the times it is used for genetics recognition.

How Dna nanotechnology works?

DNA nanotechnology uses of DNA building blocks to develop new complex DNA structures with powerful characteristics. DNA is usually a straight and smooth molecule, whose total axis is unbranched. but DNA particles having junctions can also be created.For instance four armed strcuture junction can made further complementary moelcules. the basic purpose of this technology is to give a target structure and complex functional characteristics makes it different from other dominant technologies, it was designed ot determine the sequence of molecules and to discover their family.DNA nanotechnology detects the assembling sequence and then,collectively find out the junctions if any.after tracking the assembled sequence the kind of molecules rae comunicated to the other peripheral device,if attached. Different kind of approaches are used to design and manage the DNA sequences for obtaining the desired structure.

Design approaches of Dna nanotechnology

There are several approaches in which DNA strcutures can be designed some of them are listed below.
 Tile-based structural Approach
 Folding structural approach
 Kinetic assembling
 Sequence design

1)Tile based stuctures

In these type of strucral approach the DNA molecules are designed in tiled architecture.The most common example of this appraoch is DX molecule in which two dimentional arrays are drawn at top and bottom in sequence of four tiles.Tile based approach is one of the earliest approach which was used to design the DNA structures every shape represents a sticky end for the next moelcule.Discrete units can be constrcucted with this method.This design method has a capability to concepulaize and design even the largest assemblies assigned to it.This distinguishing feature makes DNA nanotechnology fully benificial in the self assembly and computational functioning.

2)Folding structural appraoch

Another but opposite approach to tile based appraoch is folding approach.Arbitrary sequences and two dimentaional complex molecular arrangements can be converted into desired shape with the help of folding structural approach.simpler strands participates in folding strcutures.

3)Kinetic assembling

Another useful approach to design the molecular structure regardless of the sequence and position is the kinectic assembly in which molecules are assembled with minimum thermodynamics sequence.DNA self assembly is one of the examples of this kind and is this method is widely used in therodynamic applications.

Sequence design

Another approach is sequnece design in which molecules are designed in a specific provided sequence to produce DNA design.Nuclear acids are the example of sequencial designing approach.

Applications of DNA Technology

DNA nanotechnology focuses the development of new molecular arrangments with enhanced characteristcics along with modified structures .They are used in many important work areas wherer this technology is facilitating the world.Kidney trackers, molecular match makers, mahicnes for managing the nuclear reactions all are the applications of DNA nanotechnology.Some of the mechanical devices are also present such as molecular tweezers, stimulus that is used in nano robotics, B DNA for responding the change in buffer conditions during the procedures.

Future preception

DNA nanotechnology is one of the important techonlogy which has great uses in the chemical , molecular sciences and security sectors.The most important advantage of DNA technology is in the curing of fatal diseases,which makes it ocusable by the reserchers and doctors.Leading countries in the technological areas are working hard for advancements and development in DNA science.

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