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Fabrics made from these smart yarns have potential application in professions that involve high risk. A police officer in danger, a firefighter who is hurt while at work, a wounded soldier at the warfront may not be in a position to send a message requesting for help. But the apparels infused with smart yarns would be able to do it. The clothes can be designed accordingly; to store energy, which will provide power to operate small electronic devices. A mobile phone or any other form of communication device attached with the clothing can transmit the information from the garment to a command post. It can also be used in garments and used for monitoring health. It also foresees lucrative applications as performance apparel.The concept of electrically sensitive clothing made from nanotube infused cotton yarn can be adapted in various fields based on their exposure to potential risks. The burgeoning interest in nano technology opens a floodgate of opportunities for developing new and innovative products in the textile sector.

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