Computer parts are relatively small in the grand scheme of life, and they're constantly shrinking. However, nanotechnology is poised to take over the design of computers in the future, making them so cool, technologically advanced, and perhaps almost invisible to the naked eye in some instances. There are already many applications for the use of nanotechnology in everyday items, but computers are still being investigated and tweaked. The older your computer is, the bigger your inner working parts will be. However, as things progress, nanotechnology is poised to create a CPU for your computer that could give you more power in a tiny size, allowing your computer to run faster, smarter, and take up less space than ever before.
Nanotechnology is already being studied for the development of computers. A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter, and anything under 100 nanometers or smaller is considered nanotechnology. If you want an idea of how big a nanometer really is, check this out: a human hair is about 100,000 nanometers wide. If nanotechnology does what it intends, it will only be a matter of time before computers are so small that they can be taken anywhere.
Electronic computers, complete with microscopic CPUs, are being build through a process called nanolithography. This is basically the process of creating microscopic circuits and wiring much like a typical computer that you would see today, but on a much, much smaller scale. Electronic devices like computers will continue to become smaller and more powerful with the use of nanotechnology, creating a way eventually to integrate computers into everyday life, including almost every different aspect of daily lifestyles. In the future, computers will be everywhere, but they won't be noticed in most cases because they are so microscopic and integrated into whatever they are used for.
Imagine a day when computers are as small as a tiny chip, and they can be put into everything from clothing and appliances to even the human body, allowing for a world with pervasive computing. This basically means the integration of technology into all areas of life. Not only will nanotechnology make smaller, more advanced, and cooler CPU technology possible, but it will make life as we know it completely different than we could possibly imagine. For now, it might seem like a virtual reality. Modern life is a far cry from 'The Jetsons' but with everyday, things are getting more technologically advanced, and it's only a matter of time before a more advanced, cooler CPU is available.
Nanotechnology is already being studied for the development of computers. A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter, and anything under 100 nanometers or smaller is considered nanotechnology. If you want an idea of how big a nanometer really is, check this out: a human hair is about 100,000 nanometers wide. If nanotechnology does what it intends, it will only be a matter of time before computers are so small that they can be taken anywhere.
Electronic computers, complete with microscopic CPUs, are being build through a process called nanolithography. This is basically the process of creating microscopic circuits and wiring much like a typical computer that you would see today, but on a much, much smaller scale. Electronic devices like computers will continue to become smaller and more powerful with the use of nanotechnology, creating a way eventually to integrate computers into everyday life, including almost every different aspect of daily lifestyles. In the future, computers will be everywhere, but they won't be noticed in most cases because they are so microscopic and integrated into whatever they are used for.
Imagine a day when computers are as small as a tiny chip, and they can be put into everything from clothing and appliances to even the human body, allowing for a world with pervasive computing. This basically means the integration of technology into all areas of life. Not only will nanotechnology make smaller, more advanced, and cooler CPU technology possible, but it will make life as we know it completely different than we could possibly imagine. For now, it might seem like a virtual reality. Modern life is a far cry from 'The Jetsons' but with everyday, things are getting more technologically advanced, and it's only a matter of time before a more advanced, cooler CPU is available.